Thursday, 28 July 2011

July 27th Wednesday - Dinner

Firstly an apology for Monday and Tuesday pics...

Monday turned into a day of 2 sandwiches and 3 bags of Minstrels. All day. Oops and no pics..

Tuesday was my anniversary.. 31 years! Yay me & Bob!   So no dinner, but posh lunch at L'Autre Pied in the West End. I have a thing about photographing meals in restaurants (yes, I know lots of people do, I just feel too embarrassed to fiddle about with my camera, and anyway I want to get on with eating! )

So lunch was marinated pollock, followed by Middle White pork belly, finished with macerated strawberries with raspberry sorbet & sesame tuiles. But no photos.

Wednesday dinner was the highly smelly but delicious chargriddled Sardines with salad & new potatoes in Tartare dressing

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